Tuesday, February 2, 2010

And The Recap.

With an end of an amazing the weekend, interesting situations defiantly came to light. A certain situation however ended here with me having a question.

Going back to a previous quote by Vicious, "You can die from someone else's misery, cause emotional states are as infectious as diseases." What would you do when you witness a girl shed tears not knowing why? Well my answer to this was simple, being DGV, i picked up my game and spoke kind words, I made her smile with my thoughts and intently listened to her pain. Her story was simple. Theres nothing worse than a broken heart. I could relate.... to her antagonist. Telling her that everything was going to be alright made me feel as if I was the perpetrator! I put shame on the man who made the choice and walked away.

Giving your heart to someone is a risk, something that can never be promised safety and security. Love by faith and hope. You cannot blame another for the location of where it ends. Try not to over think. Theres nothing else that you can do but forgive and or forget !

Game signing out.

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