Friday, January 29, 2010

All Black Everything..?

I remember there was a time when "black" the word itself was solely filled with negative meanings and ideologies;definitions like "offering little or no hope; "the future looked black", and stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable; "black deeds"; "a black lie"; "his black heart has concocted yet another black deed".

Yet were screaming all black everything..BlACK literally means no light. which translates to darkness leading to blindness, breathing forth chaos which eventually brings forth death;"4 how can one blind man lead another?" Today we hope for change yet the time i speak of was not to far from a couple nights ago..negative stigmas and stereotypes have such power over today's society simply blc society believes them to be true, and pretend they don't harbor in our actions and our reactions towards one another. so we're still blind still left in darkness still black.

We've come a long way since 2010 but society is still living in an unseen blackout; change will not come until one individual turns to his fellow homosapien and realizes how he treats them is unjust and decides to right that wrong.

...SO I ask you do you still want to live in a world of blindness....
of all black everything?

D.i.CK. signing out.

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