Wednesday, January 27, 2010

But Then, Shes A Hoe.

I cant stand the fact that theres always a crazy hoe with a plan. As a member of DGV, i feel as if i can safely say, hoes with a plan have nothing but intentions to F' up everything going good. I was defiantly getting high-score with my game one night, her very presence gave breathe of thought and uniqueness to every word that came out of my mouth. Maybe it was meant to be, maybe not, but a notorious Surrey Central hoe, had to come and destroy what i was making 'live'. The Hoe walked by looking sexy as things indescribable (obviously the herpes were hidden). Confused on my mission, I became distracted and greedy. Me wanting more than my hands could hold made an attempt. Discovering quickly that the Hoe was already with 3 other dudes that night, pushed me to revert back to what i was high-scoring with earlier. NOT, that game died the minute I left. She now had her hands full and left mine with nothing.

True story... This game was rigged...

Game signing out.

Photo: Jamal Hammond 2010


  1. Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy there need without ever reaching satisfaction.

    ... lol dont be a loser face &
    alwayz remeber that sanitizer
    when in surrey ;)

  2. Wow !!.....

    didn't expect that .. but i couldn't agree more. Wanting more than you can manage is both exhausting and pointless. Especially if having only one can be strain to the brain.

    p.s ... that metro town sanitizer defiantly kept them hoes in check.

  3. ..."wow"..

    quick question. is that MR.LEE in that photo?
